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Post last updated on 18 August 2024

Exotic Sanctuary - Decorations

Exotic Sanctuary Home Conversion Banner

"Explore the Enchanting World of Exotic Sanctuary Decorations: Unveiling a New Frontier of Unique and Alluring Design Elements!"

As part of the Exotic Sanctuary update, a range of new decoration items will be available in the new farm area.

Decorations not only enhance the visual appeal of your sanctuary, but they also contribute to your overall progress. By strategically placing decorations, you'll earn Sanctuary Experiences, which can be used to level up your sanctuary. This will unlock new expansion areas, allowing you to explore and expand your sanctuary even further. So, not only will your sanctuary look stunning, but it will also provide a sense of accomplishment and growth.

Enhance Your Sanctuary with Style

These new decorations are designed to add beauty and variety to your sanctuary, allowing you to create unique and captivating environments for your exotic animals. Whether you prefer the rustic charm of a dirt path or the elegant simplicity of a Greek stone bench, there's a decoration to suit your style.

Decorations can be obtained through various means, including completing Sanctuary Visitor Orders, participating in Limited Time Events, or purchasing them from the Exotic Merchant Shop. Additionally, some of these decorations will be automatically placed in your sanctuary for free, allowing you to enjoy their beauty and benefits right away.

A Note on Home Conversion

During the conversion to the new Exotic Sanctuary, your Exotic Animals and their homes will be transferred accordingly. This means that some new Exotic Homes are already in place in Exotic Sanctuary, so you won't need to rebuild everything.

Your existing Exotic Homes will be transformed into decorations, and while we won't be featuring them in this article, we're excited to share the new additions that are sure to captivate your senses.

New Exotic Sanctuary Decorations

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Each decoration you place on your Sanctuary will earn you 1 Sanctuary Experience, except for the Sanctuary Sign (no XP). These experiences will be used to level up your Sanctuary, unlocking new expansion areas and more.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the new decorations:

Dirt Path

Dirt Path. Size is 1x1.


Stanchion. Size is 1x1.

Mossy Fence

Mossy Fence. Size is 1x1.

Grassy Pavement

Grassy Pavement. Size is 1x1.

Stone Pavement

Stone Pavement. Size is 1x1.

Exotic Flowers

Exotic Flowers. Size is 1x1.


Cactus. Size is 1x1.

Mushroom Grove

Mushroom Grove. Size is 1x1.

Palm Tree

Palm Tree. Size is 1x1.

Cactus Bush

Cactus Bush. Size is 2x1.

Greek Stone Bench

Greek Stone Bench. Size is 2x1.

Old Fountain

Old Fountain. Size is 2x2.

Mushroom Patch

Mushroom Patch. Size is 2x2.

Imperial Tree

Imperial Tree. Size is 3x3.

Cascade fall

Cascade fall. Size is 3x3.

Sanctuary Sign

Sanctuary Sign. Size is 4x10. logo

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